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2020 Jean-Philippe Fichet Bourgogne Côte d'Or Blanc Vieilles Vignes

Jasper Morris 89-91 pts! From Pellands and Millerands, excellent sites which in another village would doubtless be classified at village level. Fine classy bouquet after a pale colour. This has a really impressive mineral thread running through the substantial weight of fruit, juicy and fresh at the same time. Fichet followers will love his 2020 BBVV!

2020 Jean-Philippe Fichet Bourgogne Côte d'Or Blanc Vieilles Vignes

2020 Jean-Philippe Fichet Bourgogne Côte d'Or Blanc Vieilles Vignes


Jasper Morris 89-91 pts! From Pellands and Millerands, excellent sites which in another village would doubtless be classified at village level. Fine classy bouquet after a pale colour. This has a really impressive mineral thread running through the substantial weight of fruit, juicy and fresh at the same time. Fichet followers will love his 2020 BBVV!